A Day at our preschool

A typical morning at Prince of Peace Preschool will include:

Interest Areas - Children choose from planned and child directed activities available in learning centers

Circle time - A large group time which includes classic stories, songs, finger-plays, show and tell, movement, 

                              discussion or group story-writing.

Outdoor Time - More than outdoor play, this time provides gross motor challenges, as well as opportunities for

                                 sand, water and sensory play.  Outdoor time provides our children with and additional space  

                                  to explore and create. 


Clean up Time - An important time for learning responsibility, caring for our environment and cooperation.


Snack Time - In a large or small group, snack time provides a social setting in which teachers and children

                                    converse, learn basic table manners and practice self-help skills 

Chapel - A children’s worship experience with music, Bible story and prayer is held each Tuesday morning. 

J.A.M. and Chapel - Jesus and Me - Our school community gathers to have a worship experience with music, 

                                          Bible story, and prayer. Held each Friday morning.

Music and Movement - On Wednesdays and Thursdays. Music is included as part of each days' activities. 

                                                Children learn songs that include finger plays, movement, dance, and rhythm.