Tuition Prices

 At Prince of Peace Preschool, we offer a variety of hours and programs, and it is our goal to meet the needs of each family. 

Our hours of operation are 7am - 6pm, Monday - Friday.

We offer a variety of packages, and price differ depending on your child's age. 

Starting in June our hours are 7:30-5:30

Infant package - Full day only: $2,250

Toddler package - Full day only: $2,000

Preschool prices and packages listed below. 

*Tuition will be billed the first of every month for the month ahead*

EX: you will get billed for the month of October on September 1st

  • 2yrs - 3 Yrs TUITION PRICES

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  • 3yrs-4yrs

    tuition prices

    (must be potty trained)

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  • pre-k

    Tution prices

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